It’s important to remember that a person jumping into water from a height will submerge immediately. Even if water doesn’t enter his lungs at first,…
You know, I still dream of them—riding Vespas, chipping golf balls, pluck- ing daisies, smoking pipes, rubbing the bow across a violin, chasing hoops with…
They separated, and it became necessary to open the closet that held all my childhood things. Boxes were splitting open, some sunken and faded from…
Emma Curtis was so smart—thought the hole in the sheep heart was a cause of death, not a way for the butcher to rack a…
That the local supermarket is now haunted by my uncle’s ex-wife, that when she burned up in the parking lot all those years ago, her…
My beloved sister bought a dollar-coin-sized turtle from a mall kiosk. The salesman pulled the creature out from a drawer under the display; the box…
Every night he dreamt of babies—doll sized babies that wiggled and cried, then shrunk in his arms until they were only almonds in the dip…
Like a girl, says my uncle about the way I hold my coffee, my small finger hooked in a J. Cool as I can, I…
For seven straight nights, Annette dreams she has a sexual relationship with a centaur named Harold. Despite his hooves, his great unknowability, the fact that…
Sam Beckett—the time-traveling scientist portrayed by a young Scott Bakula—travels through time and leaps into your body Sam Beckett travels back through time and leaps…