Only 9 Days Left!

Dear NANO Writers,

There are only nine days left to submit to our Fourth Annual NANO Prize. That means there are only nine days to stare at the submission guidelines, and click this link to our submission manager. That’s eight days of your best procrastination plus one day of pure link clicking and copy/pasting.

win500You have been preparing for this all summer and we know you’re ready. Sean Lovelace, the judge of this year’s contest, is waiting for your submissions with a large plate of nachos. (We have given him nachos.)

Send us your best work today, or wait until September 1st, it’s up to you.

Not ready to send us your work yet? Check out an interview with Lovelace here, or stay tuned for daily last-chance writing prompts starting Monday.

The entry fee is $15 for up to three stories. The winner is awarded publication and $500, and all entrants will receive a one-year subscription to NANO Fiction. Winners will be announced in late September. Visit our submission manager to enter.

Best of Luck,
Kirby Johnson