There is only one week left to submit to the 2016 NANO Prize. That’s right, seven days. What can you do in seven days? You might try to Kon Mari your apartment, or go on a juice cleanse, or binge watch every show on Netflix. But maybe, instead, you should grab your best flash fiction and give it a final edit to send our way! Or you could just try writing around 42 words a day, collect all of those and submit them to our contest!
You have been preparing for this your entire life, and we know you’re ready. Kellie Wells, the judge of this year’s contest, is ready, too, and waiting for your submissions with a gallon of hot coffee and a check for $1000 for the winner! And, to celebrate NANO Fiction’s tenth birthday, the entry fee will only be $10 for up to three shorts, and all entrants will receive issue 10.1.
Send us your best work today, or wait until July 1st–it’s up to you.
The entry fee is only $10 for up to three stories. The winner is awarded publication and $1,000, and all entrants will receive a one-year subscription to NANO Fiction. Winners will be announced in late July. Visit our submission manager to enter.