NANO Fiction Thanks You!
Dear Readers, Writers, and Friends,
Television sitcoms and Norman Rockwell paintings have taught us that Thanksgiving is the perfect time to meditate on what we’re all thankful for, and this Thanksgiving the NANO team has plenty for which to be thankful.

Turkey with dressing on silver platter
We’ve made some big achievements in 2015–from doubling our NANO Prize to hosting the incredible Sehr Flash Series–and none of it would have been possible without the continued support all of you have graciously shown us. So this year, although we’re undeniably proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish, we’re most grateful for the people who have helped us get here. We’re thankful for the continued to support of writers and educators. We’re thankful for your subscriptions, your tip jar submissions, your e-book purchases. We’re thankful for all of our readers and contributors who support flash fiction through discussions of the form and genre. We’re thankful for all you’ve helped us to do in the past, and, with our tenth anniversary fast approaching, we’re thankful for all you’ll help us do in the ten years ahead.
As we give our thanks and you gather with your families to give your own, we’d love for you take a break from dinner, football, or those head-splitting travel plans to cull through our online content, or give a back-issue a read. And if you find you’re thankful for us, too, consider showing your appreciation through a tax-deductible gift.
All donors will receive recognition in the upcoming issue, and those at higher levels will be gifted with a complimentary subscription, workshops, or more.
Start the holiday season off in the giving spirit; we’ll never be able to thank you enough.
Happy Holidays, The NANO Team.