2015 NANO Prize Results!
We would like to congratulate Stephanie Devine whose piece, “Of Felling,” has been selected by Amber Sparks as this year’s contest winner!
About her selection Sparks notes, “A great piece of flash fiction should be more than just a snapshot or a vignette –it should be what ‘Of Felling’ is, an unfolding, a story and a life and a world unfurled in the scrawls on a piece of paper. “Of Felling” is a story in the margins that creeps into the main event, that scratches out the ordinary and crawls around the feet like creepers before the big grab. It’s my favorite kind of piece.”
Stephanie’s work will appear in issue 9.2 of NANO Fiction, due out Spring 2016. Click here to reserve your copy!
The editors of NANO Fiction would like to thank everyone who contributed to this year’s contest. We are also grateful to Amber Sparks, who did a beautiful job considering submissions. She had a lot of great work to choose from, and we appreciate everyone who contributed to the prize.
Thank you all!