Spring is Here! And So is NANO Fiction 8.2!
We know that many of you are living in a snow covered winter wasteland, but down here in Texas (NANO Fiction’s home base) it’s a balmy 72 degrees, and the spring season is upon us. So why not invite a little spring in your life with the latest issue of NANO Fiction?
This issue features “The Weight of the Moon” by Jasmine Sawers, our 2014 NANO Prize Winner judged by the fabulous Kim Chinquee, as well as stories by Matthew Fogarty, Agatha French, Molly Fuller, Ben Merriman, and more!
Issue 8.2 also includes reviews by Raul Palma and Keith Frady. All this alongside the strikingly dramatic pin and ink drawings of Mercedes Helnwein.
Order your copy today, or subscribe, to see all Volume 8 Number 2 has to offer!
Other News
NANO Fiction recently moved our headquarters to Austin, TX. If you run a publication or literary organization in the central Texas area, and would like to collaborate on an event, please email us!