The Body
All the ears were piled in one place and all the noses in another. All the fingers were piled together except for thumbs, which were…
Pepper, she was on the sun. Pepper, she was sunspots. Pepper, she made the sun bigger—furious and spicy. The sun swallowed Pepper, wanting her, calling…
You were not there the night I saw stars, though I am certain I told you about the night I saw stars, about how I…
Claustrophobia is failure of projection: my face collapses into its grave. They rolled me into the MRI, panic-bulb in hand, an IV of valium in…
Freud has warned women about men who stutter because they are likely to be disappointing in bed. But a speech therapist from the School of…
Afterward smelled like death, which smelled like morphine, which smelled like raspberry, which I’ve never liked. These artificial fruit smells—chemical esters volatile and ripe—they smell…
The human heart is on the left side of the chest, not in the middle of the ribcage where it seems it should be. There…
_______ tracks her menstrual cycle on a website and turns her socks inside-out to avoid their seams at her toes. She prefers the heels of…
When I knock on my boyfriend’s door in the middle of the night and tell him I’m leaving him for Lansing he mumbles something about…
With the bear, you can tell. But the heart is the least like soap. Red and lacquered, it could be plastic—a doll’s heart maybe, perfect…