Reviewers and critics have debated reasons for the advent of flash fiction for years. A dwindling readerly attention span, they say, is to blame, the…
Let us begin with this: flash fiction is an excellent genre for the writer and reader. For the writer, flash provides unique techniques, opportunities for bursts of inspiration, varied markets, new methods of reading aloud their work, inventive varieties of form, a fresh way to think about words, lack of words, compression, space.
The Flash, a DC Comics superhero, is powerful by virtue of his speed. He doesn’t have super strength. He can’t fly. He can’t move objects…
To study the flash form, the students in my introductory Creative Nonfiction course began by reading excerpts from Brian Oliu’s So You Know It’s Me…
Here, in the state of Flash, there is only one rule: Be brief. That is it. There are those who march, waving flags, chanting things…
Hi, my name’s Christopher, and I write a lot of prose poems. Why? Well, the short answer is: Russell Edson. The slightly less short answer is: Russell Edson, James Tate, Amy Gerstler, Richard Brautigan, and Charles Simic.
But that’s just me.
1. There shall be titles. Titles are everything. 2. Present tense is preferable to past tense. Because friends have told us we should live in…
I read fiction for two reasons: 1.Entertainment People say life is short because it’s actually very long and full of liars. If life were short,…
A confession: what I write is always true. The concept of fiction has always escaped me—there are no characters here, no description of who they…