NANO Prize Winner, Fall Issue, & More!

Hello, NANO Fiction readers!

Ahh, election year, that time when we are slogging through and ignoring our various uncles’ Goblin Party Facebook tirades. And what better way to pass the time living in whatever this New America may be than with a brand new issue of NANO Fiction? Especially since we are now officially a registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization? Read on for news and such!

4th Annual NANO Prize Results

This year we had hundreds more submissions than last year, and so many were very strong. After difficult deliberation our judge Ryan Call selected Patrick Swaney’s piece “Hand over Hand” as the winner. Congratulations, Patrick! And thanks to all who entered this year. As winner, Patrick will receive $500 and publication in our fall issue.

Fall Issue, 6.1

This is our 6th year publishing NANO Fiction, and 6.1 will hit the shelves in November. We ALWAYS SELL OUT within a year or so, so buy your issue or subscription early! We’re having a deal on subscriptions right now, two years for $20. Then you wouldn’t even have to worry about renewing until, like, 2015. Woah, isn’t that when Marty McFly goes to the hover board future? Single issues are $7, which is still a great deal for the best flash periodical out there. Issue 6.1 features cover art by Emily Link, the winner of the 4th Annual NANO Prize, and work by all these great writers:

Selena Anderson, Garrett Ashley, Lauren Becker, S.G. Childress, Jasmine Dreame Wagner, Nicolle Elizabeth, Bryce Emley, Kendra Fortmeyer, Gabrielle Lucille Fuentes, Scott Garson, Elisabeth Geier, L.P. Griffith, Elise Hunter, Simon JacobsJason Joyce,Benjamin KingKenneth Kronenberg, Emily Link, Maxim Loskutoff, Dan Lundin, Sam Martone,Rupprecht Mayer,John A. McDermott, Nicole Miller, John Poch, Alexis Pope, Michelle Reale, C. R. Resetarits, Scott Riley, Matt Sailor, Jared Yates Sexton, Patrick Swaney, Anthony Varallo, Mark Walters, Zack Wentz, A. Werner, & Gregory Zorko.

Submissions Are Rolling!

As always, NANO Fiction accepts your best flash of 300 words or fewer all year round. Send your best work to us and we’ll give it a fair shake! Additionally, be sure to check our website, often for special weekly features, rants, and selections from our journal.

Hope to see you or your work soon!

Yours Truly,
Kirby Johnson and Glenn Shaheen