
One day you will go to Mars, and I will not. I do not mean to sound bitter, because I am not bitter. I am…

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Her Favorite Color is Light

Nora thinks air and smell are one. You breathe in sweet or sour, musty or moldy or wet-dog or chicken-broth scented. You breathe out your…

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Separating the Body

Dad bit down on his cigarette as he worked a knife between the seams, the deer’s head nodding and shaking in little fits. The strips…

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You kick me out of the house for the afternoon and tell me to call you when I feel scared about something. “You’re so calm,” you say. “I want to hear what you’re like in distress.”

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Apprentice (from Farm Town)

After the colossal loss, I strayed solo, taking stabs at fun. I slashed down idiot water park slides and wandered malls filled with carousels and lingerie and pretzels. I stood where I could stand, in spaces with decorative pillars, in places that propped my body up like a doll or a taxidermied lady.

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The Separation

Soon after they move into the house, Bill begins finding nails on the floor. At first they’re tiny, and infrequent, so he places them in his toolbox with a mind to search for where they came from later. In no time though, he’s finding larger nails, and screws, scattered under doorways and beneath window frames.

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How She Rathered

The woman decided to be something less upsetting than a woman. She was tired of losing blood. She said: “I am going to collect teeth.”…

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La One

The other maids tuck and dream. While they pick up M&M wrappers and thongs. Dreaming when they leave what will never be enough towels, not…

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Inky Improv: Results

Here’s how it worked: Four writers and four artists each got a five word phrase suggested by someone in the audience. They had 10 minutes…

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TV Was a Friend and an Enemy

After his mother passed, the boy who claimed he was mine became addicted to tragedy. The wifely woman said we had no choice, but I…

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