A famous writer called me. She was already crazy. I was flattered. I was fluttering on the edge of people who write about drugs and…
For the past few weeks, my neighbor has been trimming his yard with scissors. He usually starts in the evening, when I’ve just finished putting…
I wrote a song that transforms the listener into a glass jar. I threw it together on a synthesizer. Everyone thinks I used maracas for…
And how many were there? The entire senior class, close to three hundred. Some administrators; a score of teachers. The football coach, six parents, one…
He preferred to write drunk. His books were more successful when he wrote them drunk. His theory was that his drunk books were looser and…
All the ears were piled in one place and all the noses in another. All the fingers were piled together except for thumbs, which were…
Across the country, it will be like Christmas time, ringing of bells. Across the country, a warranted eventual warning sign. Ring, we would hear, come…
The neighbors are strange and prefer privacy to brotherhood. They keep to themselves. They sleep odd hours and complain to the police when I play…
The child is throwing darts at an underwater target. He is like a secret society all by himself. His mother calls him to dinner. He…
Or pool. There’s also one where they play pool, one of them in a derby hat, and one of them in a vest, but the…