News & Features
Here’s how it worked: Four writers and four artists each got a five word phrase suggested by someone in the audience. They had 10 minutes…
Ryan Dilbert reading at Kaboom Books, for the NANO Fiction Reading Series at Kaboom Books in Houston, Texas. Part two.
Ryan Dilbert reading at Kaboom Books, for the NANO Fiction Reading Series at Kaboom Books in Houston, Texas. Part one.
Greetings NANO Fictionites!
We’ve got a lot of news and events happening here with NANO Fiction, so as we enter the final year of planet earth (nobody’s sick of hearing that, right?) why not cozy up with some copies of our newest issue?
How did you go about deciding on the word limit for flash fiction submissions? What was the benchmark that was used? It would be easy…
What is your favorite song with the word “and” in the title? “Crimson and Clover” by Tommy James and the Shondells. Also I like Joan…
The holidays are here and whether you like it or not, most or all of us are going to have to spend time with the…
What are your thoughts on the recent declines in woodworking, gentlemen’s formal hats, and decency? As a designer, I pretty much live in a bubble…
When will the next issue come out? Soon! Be on the lookout for an eblast or keep an eye on our website. (Pre-order the new…
December 21, 2011 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Spacetaker, 2101 Winter Street B11, Houston, TX, 77007 Free and open to the public! Join NANO Fiction,…