Announcing the 2013 NANO Prize Winner!
NANO Fiction and Sean Lovelace, are excited to announce Blair Austin as this year’s winner of the 2013 NANO Prize!
After much deliberation, Sean selected Blair’s piece, “Wild Dogs,” noting, “Like the best literature, it was suspenseful and lyrical, technically sound, yet with a consistent interest in charged language. That’s what I look for in compressed fiction. Well done!”
The editors of NANO Fiction would like to thank everyone who contributed to this year’s contest! We are also grateful to Sean Lovelace, who did a beautiful job considering submissions. He had a lot of great work to choose from, and we appreciate everyone who threw his or her hat in the ring.
Thank you all!
Blair Austin will be featured in Volume 7 Number 1 along with Kate Bolton Bonnici, Michael Chaney, Callie Collins, Sonja Vitow, LiAnn Yim, Peter Kispert, and Shane Jones, among others. This season’s issue also features the art of Jenny Hart.
This is an issue that you won’t want to wait for, so pre-order your copy by subscribing today!
Take care and happy reading,
Kirby Johnson and the NANO Staff