Father leaves no footsteps pacing the shuddering wheat fields out- side our home. He could leave me soft gut peeled, mother says. She sneaks me…
All are welcome at our springs—the infirm, the crippled, even the mentally damaged come here in hopes that the sulfurous, almost-too-hot water will heal their…
Mercy was voted Most Stylish Eighth Grader because her hair feathered perfectly. When the wind blew, it would flap like crow wings over her temples…
In your aunt’s backyard: squash of no compare. Lettuce sprout- ing full-frond from neat hillocks, trees with arms weighed down by pomegranates. The chickens escaped…
Mother was lazy, so she made her garden out of bags of wildflower seeds from the dollar store. The poppies shot up small and sparse,…
Shopping. Endless shopping. This was the realm that he lived in. To buy or not to buy. But there really wasn’t a choice: it was,…
All those nights praying to holy cards taped above my bed—Sacred Heart of Jesus, Virgen de Guadalupe, please make my boobs grow. Smoothing my hand…
Dylan worked at a shoe store, then a burrito place, and finally a new age bookstore at the heart of a half-abandoned mall, where practically…
Dad started hearing stuff on the shortwave about making preparations and found a company on the Internet that built bunkers with “no paper trail or…
We didn’t know Co Anh’s dog had been pregnant until it gave birth. The offspring was disfigured. Widow Co Anh turned this horror into luck….