Hey, You. Last night was a little rough, huh? It’s okay. Today will be better. You’re going to go to that panel, what was it…
Welcome to our AWP Photo Scavenger Hunt! The conference has just started, you’re dressed in your snappiest outfit, and you’re feeling great. Several panels have…
Are you totally getting pumped for AWP? That was rhetorical, of course you are, and we here at NANO Fiction are as well! Come visit us at our table and chat with our editorial staff about flash, submissions, great deals on issues and subscriptions to NANO Fiction, or whether or not Ottawa will make the playoffs this year (that one only applies to Glenn). We’re splitting with the great online lit mag matchbook this year, so it’ll be a sweet little party, can you dig it?
The other maids tuck and dream. While they pick up M&M wrappers and thongs. Dreaming when they leave what will never be enough towels, not…
Let’s talk about revision! Yes, we know it might seem easy to just whip up a piece of fiction that’s under 300 words, but trust…
According to some people (I won’t name names), 2012 is the year that the world is going to end. But there are still 352 days…
Here’s how it worked: Four writers and four artists each got a five word phrase suggested by someone in the audience. They had 10 minutes…