Volume 3 Number 1
All we found left of the orthodontist were his penny loafers. The rest of him must’ve been eaten by catfish or gar. We knew they…
I lived by apple orchards filling a small valley between hills of oak trees. There was a cement aqueduct running in front of our house…
My friend B, visiting from Minnesota, had no idea that the Indian nights could be this dark. The bus leaves us under a tall tree…
All hail the miracle of 3D. The rat’s eye view of the housekeeper, giblets dangling through the sewer grate. Then nipples reaching out for you….
Absent, I cup the apple in my dominant hand and lift the washing machine lid. All the carnies have gone home to their penchants. I…
“Just pop it in the cooler, there. How is that so hard,” he says. “Just throw the damn thing in there.” My sister and I…
So you go to this place where you temporarily suffocate yourself. It’s not like when you go to the dentist, because the dentist actually cares…
We thought he was a fat child, until he fit comfortably in the wine jar. Fed and clothed him in that womb, safe from the…
The consensus of the women in Mrs. Proppe’s kitchen was that the Ragman was 90. Mrs. Torto thought 100 because in the bible, what, don’t…