Marital Dispute (with Diorama)

Why always aloof? Why always early? But wait. Don’t let it fester. You want to bang me senseless! A dim clearing in the kitchen with deer. What are you, bang sensitive? You, brother of odd with. Pothole sister. Daddy dove. Don’t-go-there! Don’t call names. No problem is ever solved by telling the other person how bad they are. The sleeping armadillo on the bathroom rug (a vibrator in its jaws). You clootie dumpling couch tomato inebriated ox! Ah doorbell, the doorbell and the faint odor of sausage on the air…fuzzy onions, too. Let’s eat. Indirect lighting adds a sense of the time of day and the weather. Make a contract, Godzilla. I’m not dead yet. Lesbian. Lemming. Genghis Khan. Velveeta cheese. The conspiratorial amalgamation of animal specimens and vegetation. King Grubby. Slow to surf life, quick to sort. Slow to starlight, quick to court. Don’t make empty threats. Ice floes towering against a frosty blue laundry bin. Dead Tape. Rolling Bone. Lady Curd. Feeling Glutty? Goad Kill. Helter Smelter. Odd knobs. For example, your mother. No. Don’t walk away, don’t withdrawal. Nothing is ever solved by leaving the issue hanging in a clot of vines. Or histories cleared. Passwords. The diorama encourages the study of what was once living. Try this: When you say______, I feel ______. Oh, silly. Silly, you’re right. OK. Exhausted embrace…Shank! God, I’m bleeding over here! Shhhhh: Young children believe what they see their parents saying.

Sean Lovelace likes to drink beer with Jimmy Chen and run, far. He blogs at