Secret Potato Chip Dialogue over the Phone

Yesterday I received a phone call from an unknown individual. I said hello a couple of times but there was no response. It sounded like the person was eating from a bag of potato chips. There were other people in the back- ground, talking. They were having an argument. I listened until the money on my pre-paid account for my cell phone ran out.

The next day I went to a pay phone and called the person back. I didn’t say anything. The person didn’t hang up. I could hear a television in the back- ground and the person coughed a couple of times. The person listened to me eat from a bag of potato chips. I ate all the potato chips and then I turned the bag inside out and began licking the bag. I started chewing on the bag when there was nothing left to lick. I got a cut on my lip from the bag and my teeth let go of the bag. The person chuckled a bit at the television. I hung up and stepped outside of the telephone booth and sat on the curb and thought about bullfrogs.

Prathna Lor writes at His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Lamination Colony, Robot Melon, and Elimae.