Bertrand Russell Sees a Man

I. A Man Viewing a Sunset
Let (x is human and x is male) be true where (x=x) is always true and (x has the name “John”) is sometimes true. Let (s=the visible atmosphere of the earth) be true if and only if the sun appears from position(x) on the surface of the earth to rest on the edge of the western horizon such that s:x is frag- ile and delicious as a warm cookie.
II. A Man in Love
Let x have the property L(x) where (L=the certain combination of active neurons which results in giddiness) is always true. Let (g is human and g is female) be true where (g=g) is always true and (g has the name “Mary”) is sometimes true. Let L(x) occur if and only if x:g results in the property B(x) where (B=an intensional relation [belief] that L(g):x reciprocally) is always true. If L(x) is true and B(x) is true then LB(x) results in the property F(x) where (F=the certain combination of neurons which result in the inten- sional relation [feeling] that L(x):g is fragile and delicious as a warm cookie) is sometimes true.
III. A Dead Man
Let L(g):x be false if and only if x:g results in the property D(g) where (D=the intensional relation [disgust] that L(x):g) is sometimes true. If L(g):x is false then not x.

M. David Hornbuckle is a writer and musician, originally from Birmingham, Alabama. His fiction has been published in McSweeneys, Internet Tendency, Air in the Paragraph Line, Isms, Peek and Astarte. His novella The Salvation of Billy Wayne Carter is scheduled to be published as an e-book in the Fall of 2007.